[Mã giảm 30%] Essential Grammar in Use Book with Answers Fahasa Reprint Edition

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Essential Grammar in Use is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners (A1-B1), used by millions of people around the world. With clear examples, easy-to-follow exercises and answer key, the Fourth edition is perfect for independent study, covering all the areas of grammar that you will need at this level. The book has an easy-to-use format of two-page units with clear explanations of grammar points on the left-hand page, and practice exercises on the right. It also includes plenty of additional exercises and a Study Guide to help you find the grammar units you need to study.

essential grammar in use book with answers fahasa reprint edition Giảm giá [Mã giảm 30%] Essential Grammar in Use Book with Answers Fahasa Reprint Edition. In rõ nét, giá hợp lý, mới bắt đầu học mua rất phù hợp. Sách.

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